Aesthetic dentistry
Aesthetic dentistry provides a myriad of beautification options e.g. through veneers, inlays, crowns or bridges.
However, the bottom line remains:Durability and stability requires healthy gums. Therefore, there is the concept of "pink aesthetics" in dentistry.
Because perfect results can be achieved only when there is harmony between pink and white aesthetics, i.e. beautiful gums and immaculate teeth.
Veneers are ultra-thin, translucent ceramic layers that are mainly adhered to anterior teeth (canines and incisors). They allow rectification of slight tooth displacements or gaps, and also correct tooth discolouration. In this way, the visible tooth surfaces get an optimised appearance.
An inlay allows treatment of damages on the inner side of the tooth and, simultaneously, helps keep the tooth alive. The tooth is first prepared, the carious tooth material is removed. A dental impression is created and sent to the laboratory. The finished inlay is adhered or, if possible, clamped to the damaged tooth. Thus, it ensures that a tight seal is formed on the tooth surface and the tooth is stabilised.
Bleaching (teeth whitening)
Bleaching (teeth whitening)
Teeth can lose their natural colour over the years. The triggers for this could be nicotine consumption or tooth-staining foodstuffs such as coffee, tea or red wine. The result is tooth discolouration or staining, which cannot be removed by professional dental cleaning. However, it is important to many people to have not only a healthy but also a sparkling white set of teeth.
Bleaching methods are basically of two types:
In “home bleaching” a custom-fitting plastic splint is made according to the dental impression, which the patient can take home. A gel containing peroxide is applied on the splint for whitening the teeth. Depending on the degree of discolouration the splint needs to be worn multiple times between one to eight hours at a time in order to achieve the desired result.
As the term suggests, “in office bleaching” is done at the dental clinic. Higher concentration compounds are used here as compared to home bleaching. For this treatment, the gums are first covered with a sheet (dental dam). The whitening agent is then applied directly on the teeth and irradiated with a special UV light to activate it. After 15-45 minutes the gel is removed and the treatment is repeated once or twice depending on the result.
©2013 Dental Clinic, Dr. Niko Güttler & Colleagues