Artificial tooth roots, or so-called implants, have been used in place of missing teeth for over 30 years. They are anchored to the jaw bone and serve as a base for crowns, bridges or retaining element for dental prostheses. Damages to healthy teeth because of grinding are now a thing of the past. Implants have also proved to be the best alternative to removable dental prostheses.
In the year 1982 implantology was recognised as a scientifically established therapy by the German Society of Dental and Oral Medicine (GSDOM). According to estimates, these days over one million dental implants are anchored to patient jaws every year in Germany alone - and the numbers are ever increasing.
At present there are more than 250 implant systems worldwide, out of which over 100 are in use in German-speaking countries. Barring a few exceptions, almost all implants until now were made of titanium. However, more and more metal-free materials are being used nowadays. Pioneers in this area are ceramic implants made of zirconium oxide. These display an even higher bio-compatibility and are extremely resistant to bending and breaking.
Can anyone get a dental implant?
Can anyone get a dental implant?
Today, it is possible for almost any patient to get a dental implant. The most important prerequisite is sufficient bone volume, so that the implant can sit properly. Whether an implantation is possible for you is communicated in detail in a personal discussion after appropriate preliminary examination.
Before implantation
Before implantation
Before an upcoming treatment session the patient is required to eat enough so that he/she reacts well to the anaesthesia and it is effective. In addition, it is advisable to keep options for cooling the jaw, e.g. cool compresses or ice packs, ready at home before leaving for the clinic.
It is a good idea to arrange for someone to accompany you home, as it is likely that you would not be in a position to drive a car yourself. Driving a car under anaesthesia or after waking up from anaesthesia is anyway prohibited. It is advisable to stop smoking two days prior to the procedure.
Intake of alcohol should be avoided 24 hours before the treatment. Women should remove all cosmetics; they should also avoid wearing any jewellery.
It is very important to consult your family physician and the attending surgeon about taking pain-killers or anti-coagulant medicines before the procedure. This is required to prevent unexpected reactions after the surgical procedure.
Discontinuation of medicines should in any case be discussed with the family physician beforehand.
After implantation
After implantation
The ability to drive a vehicleimmediately after the procedure could be impaired. Taking coffee or black tea should be completely avoided on the day of the surgery. Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped for at least three, or better seven days to avoid risk of impeding the wound healing. As long as the local anaesthesia is effective, the patient should neither eat nor drink. There is the risk of burning oneself, injuring oneself while biting, or choking on something.
The patient is strictly advised against rinsing the mouth in the first twelve hours. Frequent rinsing disturbs wound healing and can lead to secondary bleeding. The patient should start with oral care again on the very first day after the surgery. However, the operated area should be left out while brushing the teeth. The prescribed medicines should be taken as per instruction.
There may be a swelling in the wound after the surgery, which should come down after three days. Cold and damp compresses reduce swelling and wound pain. The patient should start applying these compresses soon after the procedure. Heat, sunlight and heavy physical work or sports should be avoided in the first week after the procedure.
©2013 Dental Clinic, Dr. Niko Güttler & Colleagues